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vinyl mastering


hi ya sorry if this has been covered before i need some advice about vinyl mastering or pre vinyl mastering.

in order to get a decent sounding vinyl master is there anything that i need to do in my pre master before it gets sent to the cutters. or should the client just take his mixed version to the cutters and let them deal with it.

Need advice on mastering track levels for a compilation


I'm putting together a nine-track vinyl compilation from various artists and genres. The tracks all tend to be pretty well recorded but the levels are somewhat sporadic. I'd like to get all the tracks into a somewhat consistent zone but I'm not sure if there's a definitive method for doing so.

Are you a mastering engineer by default?

I am knee deep in an editing session for a pianist and I've been thinking. There are some requests to alter the sound, and on top of that I am thinking "I may think I'm just piecing this thing together, but to him I am the last guy in the chain... when I deliver the edited CD it's off to the presses! What's mastering?"

Project mastering for dummies.


Hey, my band is having our next release mastered professionally, but we are going on a tour in two weeks, and the ME we're using isn't available til next month. So we're gonna DIY 500 CD's for our tour and then come back and professionally reproduce for the official release after its mastered. So I'm gonna master them as well as I can.