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A Word Clock Cannot serve two Masters, "Innie" or

I'm waiting for delivery of an A/D card for my Focusrite Trakmaster which I will output via SPDIF to my Edirol DA-2496. I got the card cheap and want to experiment to see which converters are better. Yes, yes, I know I should have better preamps but I'm focusing on converters for the moment as that is what my current two options are.

Mastering - Client Etiquette


Hey guys,

Hey guys, Im going with my project to mastering next week, first time really mastering.

I dont reall know the engineer, and Ive never went to him before. Is it reasonable to ask him to listen to a mix this week? or is that something that you would already need a relationship with your ME for.

I dont want to seem unprofessional.

question on pre-mastered mixes


Hey everybody...Well here is my situation followed by my question. I have been doing mixes lately for much more professional artists than the run of the mill local kid garage bands I used to get. I produce mainly rock projects. Usually I used to just do the poor man's mastering cause the kids couldnt afford to pop down any more cash for a true mastering engineer.