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When is a mix done?

I'm mixing stuff in pro tools and I can never seem to come to a stopping point. Normally after the first mix I'll burn a CD and take it home and come back and fix whatever mistakes I pick up on a bunch of different systems. The only problem is that I keep coming back and doing stuff and overproccess everything and in the end the first rough sounds the best.

who do you mix for?

Im just now getting into recording other people other than my friends bands and own projects. The project I'm working on now is a full length LP (yes vinyl... no clue why) for a punk rock band. Everything is recorded and now we're mixing and they want to ruin the whole mix. For some reason they hate mids. They want everything "scooped".

How Do You Mix Today?

Several years ago, A friend of mine who I had previously mixed a record for decided for his next record to buy some gear and do it at home. A familiar scenario huh? Anyway, he called to ask what kind or gear to get, etc. A few months went by and then he called one day and said I'm done recording and I think it's pretty good, let me ask you a question, how do you mix?