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Mixer problem Need Help!

Hey guys, I tried to post this before didn't seem to work. SO if I double post it's a accident. OK connecting up my imixer this mourning. OUt of nowhere my SUBMIX right Peak LED comes on and STAYS on. I disconnect all signals and zero all knobs and it still stays on. I unplugged it. Turned of/on NO luck. Double checked everything...Nope.

Analog mixers vs audio interfaces

Good day,
I am wondering which would be more conducive to a better (IE clear) sound, a firewire preamp (eg the PreSonus firebox, or Focusrite Octu Pre)
OR a good analog mixer (Mackie DFX12) combined with the A/D converters on an m-audio audiophile 2496?
Which produces a higher fidelity sound?
or is the difference marginal?


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