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Digital vs. Analog Mixer

OK folks...this one is bound to spark some debate...

I am about to make a change to my studio setup as follows:

I am using Cubase SX, have a Tascam US-428 as a control surface, and an old POS analog mixer that I use for monitoring only (nothing that gets recorded goes through the Tascam or the mixer).

My plan has been to add 2 pieces of gear:

Benefits of using a hardware mixer today?


What are the benefits of using a hardware mixer
*(analog or digital) today?
As we all know, computers are getting faster and more powerful every month and can easily be used for virtual mixing, processing, mastering, etc...

With good mic preamps, good AD/DA converters, do we still need a hardware mixer?

Yamaha DM2000 or Analog summing Mixer

I have a digital 8bus mackie. I hate the way it sounds. I know the Yamaha dm200 has great features but how does it sound. The Mackie does not have clarity imaging or punch. lifeless another words.
I am trying to choose between going for a better digital console or going out of my computer into a Dangerous 2-bus.

Mixer Outputs Question

Hello everyone! I just started getting into recording and I was wondering if you could help me figure out a few things on my mixer. It’s a vintage Randall Stereo Mixer, and there are a couple of outputs on the back I’m not really sure what they do: Monitor output, Direct to Mon. Bus, 2 effects loops – but only one had a output?

Advice needed on 16 ch mixer for remote recordings?

I am going to take my business outside of the studio and record live shows. I need a mixer. 16 channel with direct outs on all 16ch. A talk back mic would be nice but I am sure doesnt usually come on such a small chassis. It would have to be rackmountable. Individual phantom would be agreat feature with some nice pres's. Any suggestions?
Allen & Heath - mixmaster?


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