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Ramsa DA7 mixer?

I am considering picking one up from a local shop.

Its got two Tascam cards loaded into it.
Are there adapters to connect TDIF to ADAT?

What would be a good deal on this mixer and are there any issues that would steer me away from this mixer?

I am looking into eventually getting a hard disk recorder. as opposed to my computer for a portable recording rig.

Decide between Akai DSP16 or ADATs/Analog Mixer and Outb

My band is about to record a 10 song demo and we are faced with a big decision about which recording rig to use.

I have a rig consisting of 3 20 bit ADATs, a Tascam M-1516 mixer, several RNCs and other decent compressors, Drawmer noise gates, several Digitech TSR-24 and Lexicon reverbs, several Rane SP-15 parametric EQs, and some other good quality rack gear.

mixer w/ good pre's

I'm recording a live project through a Korg D1600. I've got 8 inputs with 8 outboard pre's, but I need 12 or 13 inputs for one band. I'm looking for recommendations for a mixer, say for running drum mics. Something with 4 stereo XLR inputs. The key... I'd really like the best pre's I can get on the board. Anyone got a good recommendation?

Thanks ahead of time, Tom

controller or digital mixer

i was looking at getting a Radikal sac2.2 controller for my nuendo system.. i found one for $1500... but is just a controller nothing more.. i got offered a used D8B for $2100.. with version 5.1... to me thats the betetr buy not to mention it can still be a controller for nuendo 2.1 but it gives me a chance to expand a little more..

what do you think? :confused:

digital mixer

I posted this in the beginners guide forum, but haven't gotten any replies, so I thought I'd try this one. So, I'm thinking about getting rid of my analog mixer in favor for a digital one (maybe a Yamaha 01V or similar). I need a mixer with similar features to an analog (channel inserts, direct outs, several auxs, etc.), but digital features (automation, onboard dynamics, digital connectors).