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naff mixing desk for live use on vocals


I have been asked to mix a load of hardcore/metal bands at a local live music venue however their in house guy isn't there. As such iv been banned from touching the in house sound desk. He has set up an input to the power amps so can plugin my mixing desk (its beringher 1222fX). The preamps of this desk are pants and ruin vocals.

Advice on DAW software (WAV editing/mixing) to run on Win-7 x64 ?

I've been using with very great satisfaction Syntrillium CoolEdit 2000 for a long time, but now that for other reasons I changed my hardware platform and adopted Windows-7 x64, this software is not compatible any more.
Though I could run it with the "XP-Mode" virtualization, I'd prefer to direct myself to a newer software.

Rate For Mixing & Mastering Audio For Documentary Feature?

Hello, folks. I am mixing, effecting, equing, mastering, etc, etc a documentary feature that someone I know asked me to work on. Although I have mixed and mastered many projects before - songs, short and feature films, etc - this is actually one of the first times someone's actually offered to PAY me for it. They don't know what to pay me, and I don't know what to charge them.

Clipping problem when mixing down

I have a project which contains a vocal track that has its volume elevated to the point of clipping - on purpose. It sounds really nice. When I play it in my program (Sonar 7) it sounds nice, at least. This is because the only track that is clipping is the vocal track, and everything else comes through clear when it does. When I export and mix down to a single stereo track, bad things happen.

Mixing question.

I have mbox2 mini and Pro Tools. I record my guitar first and then vocals on input 1. The problem I am having is when the mix knob is all the way to the left I can hear the guitar live with no delay, which is good. But when I go to record vocals all the way to the left, I cant hear the guitar anymore. The further I turn it to the right the louder the guitar gets and the more delay on vocals.