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drum recording and mixing


I'd like a post about this. I will tell you, as simple as it get's, how I do stuff.

- bd mic pointing to the center for nice attack or not for more boom.
- sn 45º-60º towards sn center (no bottom mic)
- oh at 1.8 mts height (if the drummer hits them hard)

So, after that (good sound coming out), I just record and apply the following:

When are you considered a Mastering or Mixing Engineer?

When is someone allowed to call themselves a Mastering, or Mixing engineer?

Are there certain college requirements, or a degree?

What about people that taught themselves, reading, studying, putting in the manhours?

I know there are people out there, that didn't go to school for Music Production, Mixing, or Mastering. .
Yet, they are great at what they do. .

General Advice On Mixing Metal In Logic 8

Only just joined this forum and already found some of the threads very handy, but need a bit of extra advice on some mixing in Logic 8.
I run full Logic 8 on a Powermac G5, using Toontrack Superior 2.0 (The Metal Foundry SDX) for drums.
Have recorded all guitars with a close-mic'd SM57 (top right cone of Orange cab) and placed an SE2200A about 6ft away.