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Mark Of The Unicorn were first to market with a multi-channel FireWire audio interface, the 828. Their new 896 adds 96kHz support among other features.

MOTU 896HD & midi potentiality?

Hey there, the one thing holding me back from grabbing an 896HD is the lack of midi.

do any of you guyz know if I could I double it with something like an M audio phile card I have in the PC already and use the midi on that, while leaving the MOTU for all other duties?

I'm juts a bit worried about driver conflicts in Cubase SX

convert MOTU 896 to Pro Tools: experiences anyone?


i'm quite impressed by the MOTU 896 specs but... the fact that it doens't work with Pro Tools makes me doubt.

now.. what I would like to know... how does the conversion to Pro Tools work? MOTU site says it works, even with all fades and crosses and whatsover.

anyone with experience with that?

if it works... i think i'll go motu