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Mark Of The Unicorn were first to market with a multi-channel FireWire audio interface, the 828. Their new 896 adds 96kHz support among other features.

PreSonus Firepod vs MOTU 896 HD

What's the general consensus?

I'm looking at the possibility of selling my firepod and getting a MOTU 896HD

What are the pre's like on the MOTU? better than the firepod?

The MOTU seems to have more/better features than the firepod.

The price is not a massive issue... but obviously i want to know that the extra £300 is going towards worthy improvement.

Acoustic guitar thru MOTU 896HD

I'm trying to get a good acoustic guitar sound while recording through my 896hd. However, I need to turn the gain up on the preamp so high that even when I'm getting a moderately good level (not clipping on my MOTU or in Logic), it sounds massively distorted, like very harsh clipping or something similar. I've tried different mics, different mic placements, different mic cords, etc.

3 daisy-chained 896HDs on Suse 9.3 Pro Linux?

Hi All, I am new to the forums. My question in this post drove me to googlethe problem, and now I stumble upon this gargantuan resource that is called

Nirvana?...No, but close to it. Great forums that have in the last hour answered gazillions of questions that I had from years. So Many thanks to all of you that post/posted over time.


MOTU 896HD vs Mackie Onyx 1220 with firewire card

How do those two compare?

I'd like to upgrade my studio to 8 inputs and better A/D converters (currently using a Delta 44). I want decent mic preamps built-in so I can quickly record a whole bunch of tracks.

I was thinking about the PreSonus Firepod but then found those two options which seem better.