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Question about panning

i have started reading The Mixing Engineer's Handbook and in chapter four i've found a problem which i don't understand it. Will write down the specific context maybe it'll be more clear to you. " So important elements like that i keep up in the middle or maybe like at 10:30 and 1:30" - DAvid Sussman about panning in dance music. What does he mean by 10:30 or 1:30 ?

panning trumpets

Hey all- stuck here in a clogged up mix. anyone have any pointers for getting brass in a country song?

song specs:
kinda johnny cashish vox (okay VERY Johhny cash singing)
swing brushed drumming (Low fi)
bass panned 12 o clcok
2 acoustic guiatr tracks, each panned L and R and doubled
sampled strings panned stereo


So...recently i have overcome a horrible latency problem thanks to the help on here :) (blasted audio latency)

Now though, i have one baffling little thing hindering my recording...

I use Hypersonic through Nuendo 2, i can triggle all the vst fine and everything sounds great although it is all panned hard right


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