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Delta 1010lt panning

ok i bought a delta 1010 lt 8 mono ins and outs ive got a dynamic mic plugged into mic 1 of the delta and speakers plugged into 1/2 out of the delta.i want to pan my vocals to left or right on recordings but if i hard left i hear nothing hard right i can hear playback but the volume just lowers down i have no mixer or pre-amp just speakers,headphones,dynamic mic,magix music studio software,what

Panning help

ok I'm using adobe audition and i can't figure out how to do the 360* pan. I cant remember how i did it a long time ago, but i searched through every affect and couldnt find it. I tried the merry-go-round, but that didn't work right

i want it to starts from like... the left ear then go around to the right and back to the left


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