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T-racks plugins opinions ?

IK Multimedia is having a really nice group buy on their T-racks singles plugins and I was just wondering if anyone here ad any opinions on them. I run Cubase 4 and mainly use the supplied eqs and compressors but also use Voxengo's Voxformer, Blockfish, and Ozone 3. My next logocal purchase was going to be either a UAD card or the Waves SSL 4000 suite.

Request for Free plugin update by moderator or so

Hello all readers. As you can see, there is a thread
for free-wareplugs. However most of these links to free plugins are no longer able to properly connect. What i am requesting is for a moderator or past respected mod or somebody to create a new plugin link thread and remove the out dated thread.

Powercore or UAD ?

I've got a little bit of experience with Universal Audio plugins on a friend's system that has a UAD-2 solo but I've never had hands on with any of the Powercore hardware or plugins. I'm thinking about getting either a UAD-2 Duo Flexi or the Powercore Express. The Powercore comes with 14 plugins and a $500 voucher and I can get that new for $850.