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Bedroom Bach

Hi guys,

I'm borrowing a viola at the moment, and I thought I would try to record some Bach in my bedroom this morning. I picked the first movement of the solo partita no. 2 in d-minor - sounds a bit like the cello sonatas when played on the viola, but the music is still lovely.

Help with roomy drums

Hey i'm working on an album with my band, and we are currently checking drums in a room that we've treated for the drum sounds we want. I have two LDC's behind the kit about 5 feet back and a couple feet off the ground, and there is a couch immediately behind them (there was a little too much reflection off the back wall getting into the mics and this destroyed it perfectly).

Is there a size limit for a drum room?

My studio is located in a large production house. I have one iso room that's fairly small (11' x 11') with an 8' height. I've always recording drums in there with pretty decent results (or at least to my young ears.) right outside my studio is an enormous warehouse. I've always heard that you should always use the highest ceiling possible for recording drums, but is this overkill?


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