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Kraznet - DAW "how to" tutorials created for MAGIX Samplitude and Sequoia .These videos show you how to use this digital recording software.

Sequoia 14 or ... ?

It seems as though Sequoia 14 may be around the corner, but... do I want it? I am still feeling the razor burn almost 2 years later, when a scant 3 weeks after I plunked down well over £2000 for v13, out came a Samplitude update with all the features I had wanted from Sequoia... for a fraction of the price ( I think I even saw it for 1/10th the price at one point).

Samplitude - time stretching multiple tracks

I'm using Pro X2. I need to increase the speed (but not the pitch) of 13 drum tracks and a couple of guitar tracks. I selected the tracks to change in the Object list (check boxes) and can speed up/shrink the tracks fine in the OE. But once I've selected the tracks, if I click on a different track all of my selected tracks become unselected.