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help cube vst32 soft ware/ pro toolsle6.4 soft ware

hi every one out there in studio land iv upgraded some time ago to m bx pro t LE 6.4 from audigy 2 for better converters+ card it does sound good .but the edit side of pro t soft ware is a night mare i can see if u just want to chop some thing of the audio wave-thats cool .but as far asfine editing the cube wins hands down -with scizzors+a line marker that goes down the page that u can see to m

VSTi - Orchestra

Do any of you have experience with Garritan Personal Orchestra or MOTU Symphonic Instrument? I was just about set to go with Garritan when MOTU's product came out. MOTU's product seems to have a larger sample library, but it isn't listed under their products on the MOTU website, which makes me nervous about support (Garritan is supposed to have extraordinary support).

Any thoughts?

Any suggestions on an excellent VST Masterting EQ

Hi everyone, I've enjoyed the feedback I read and received here so I am posing another question. I recently purchased the UAD-1 card and love it. It was one of my better investments so far.

I recently purchased the HydraTone EQ and it is very nice for adding an analog sound and now need a clinical Mastering VST EQ.