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OK...I admit it, I am a guitar player, not a keyboard player, so I have no clue how to send or receive MIDI Sysex files...

I just got a TC Helicon VoiceWorks processor, and want to upgrade the software, plus have the ability to backup the presets, etc.

Problem: I have no clue how to do this!

Is there a software program that I can get that allows me to send/receive these files?

Hardware wise, I have a MidiMan 2x2 USB midi interface with a single keyboard attached, so that still leaves one set of midi ports available (in/out), so I can easily connect the VoiceWorks to the computer.

Here are some of the software programs that I already have installed:

(Windows 2000)
Cubase SX
Cubase VST 5.1
Wavelab 4
Sound Forge 5
Acid 3
Cakewalk Home Studio 2002

Will any of these work?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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anonymous Sat, 06/28/2003 - 10:18

I use [=""]Midi-Ox[/]="http://www.midiox.c…"]Midi-Ox[/] to upgrade/swap Sysex files for my Vetta. I was just like you ,DH. CLUELESS, lol. After about 10 minutes of fooling around with it, I caught on quick. I'm sure there are others, probably even better ones to work with. This is just the one I use. If you wanna read about it a li'l more first, [[url=http://="http://www.midiox.c…"]here's[/]="http://www.midiox.c…"]here's[/] a link. If ya decide to go with Midi-Ox and have some questions lemme know. ;) HTH

anonymous Sun, 06/29/2003 - 22:25

Originally posted by Doublehelix:
(just ask my wife, she tells me that all the time! :D I get the same RF(Repeats Frequently) noise from mine, too.

Hey, but seriously :s: The help files are OK, I guess. I learned to use what I needed from performing the Vetta upgrade. No doubt, you're setup will vary. As always, if ya got a question shout. L8r DH

anonymous Mon, 06/30/2003 - 13:08

Sometimes Sysex files are saved as sequences and can be played back from a track in your sequencer. You may be able to just import the data straight into a track. Select the TC unit as the destination device and hit play.
Check the file extension for the update. If it's .mid you should be able to do this.

Hope this helps.
