I've read on the PreSonus website that you can use a Firebox (or any other interface they make) as a sound card for all your sounds. They give the way to do it in the FAQs but I can't get it to work for my computer...
Any advice on what to do, maybe plugged something wrong or not doing the good thing on the computer... if any one has done this, how can I do it?
Well if you directed your sound setting in the control panel to
Well if you directed your sound setting in the control panel to use your presonus as the default sound device everything should play through it if that is what you are trying to do. Just make sure when you boot up your computer your speakers are off. There are times when windows will boot with the volume full blast. There are also sometimes noises that occur during startup that can cause a high powered amplifiers to send speaker cones flying. Maybe your system is nicer.
hummel wrote: [quote=Slice] as a sound card for all your sounds.
hummel wrote: [quote=Slice] as a sound card for all your sounds.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Are you talking recording or playback?
I want to use it for everything else than recording, like music from itunes, WMP, and other computer sounds like games and etc...
kent l t wrote: Well if you directed your sound setting in the control panel to use your presonus as the default sound device everything should play through it if that is what you are trying to do.
They say the same thing on the Presonus website, but I can't seem to get any sound from it... can it be my version of windows (xp media center edition, which doesn't work with some other products, notably M-Audio stuff) or am I just not doing something right?
I dont know about media edition it works with pro though. I seem
I dont know about media edition it works with pro though. I seem to remember reading somewhere about some limitations with media edition. Maybe a few google searches might uncover something or maybe someone here knows.
You might try setting it up in window media player as well one of the tabs in the options menu alows you to set the devices for playback and see if you can get windows media player to play through it. Maybe you have realized this already but you would need some kind of software synth to play midi files if you do not have a sound card.
Slice wrote: as a sound card for all your sounds. I'm not quit
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Are you talking recording or playback?