"This desk was originally designed around the ISA 110 Preamp and the ISA 130 EQ, which were built by Rupert Neve exclusively for George Martin. It really is the last great British Console, there's been nothing since that could touch it."
-Crispin Herrod-Taylor, Focusrite
"Bear Tracks installed this console. The room with this console was idyllic. Everything that was recorded through it was the ultimate in fidelity."
- Joe Chicarreli, Engineer/Producer; Frank Zappa, Jason Mraz, Glenn Frey
"The noise floor on this console was so low that you'd bring up the volume on the console, and you'd think the speakers were muted."
-Allen Sides, Owner/Founder, Ocean Way Recording
"On acoustic guitar, on drums, really anything acoustic, I don't think it's touchable."
-Jack Joseph Puig, Engineer/Producer, John Mayer, U2, No Doubt, Bette Midler
Enjoy. ;)
Since this thread is titled "The last great British console", I'
Since this thread is titled "The last great British console", I'll flag up this 96-channel [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.ebay.co…"]Audient ASP 8024[/]="http://www.ebay.co…"]Audient ASP 8024[/] that has just come up on Ebay for £16K. A bit of history there.
Looks pretty Boswell! You guys are doing pretty well over the po
Looks pretty Boswell! You guys are doing pretty well over the pond anyone see this beast ?
maybe someday...
I was surprised to read that he built his own mixer.. He surely
I was surprised to read that he built his own mixer..
He surely is a creative, passionnate and clever fellow ;)