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Okay, so I'm posting this to find out what techniques people use when using MIDI drum samples for a beat. I'm new to this idea and am uncomfortable with it. I know I'm not going to get a sound that's as "open" as an acoustic drum set.

I'm going for a rock drum beat at the moment. I also like to use different kinds of kits. I'm looking for a believable drum sound. I know I'm asking for a lot but, I don't have the money or space for an acoustic drum set.

Anyways, I'd like to hear from some people who have had the experience of using MIDI drum samples. I'd like to know what worked for them so I can get some ideas to work with.


ouzo77 Fri, 05/04/2012 - 03:21

You can get very believable results with sampled drums. It always depends on how good you program them.
You can have the best and most realistic sounding samples, if you don't know how to program them realistically they will all sound fake.

Check out these libraries:

Steven Slate Drums
Addictive Drums

Listen to their sound samples and decide for yourself which one suits you best.


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