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Currently my band is running yorkville AP 3400, and AP 4040. The 4040 is running the subs and the 3400 is running the mid/hi. We are looking to get a new amp and I was wondering what would be some recomandation. We are planning on swapping out the 3400 and using it as just a monitor amp and getting a new amp for the mid/hi. We are looking for a better sound from our mid/hi's.

Some Amps that we are looking into getting. (which would you choose?)

QSC RMX 2450 - top of our list
Crown - not sure which one to go with
Crest - again not sure which to use.

We are looking for the best quality sound for the buck. What do all you think? Please feel free to comment on any other Amps that would work. Looking for at least 1000 watts asside.. preferably 2 ohms incase we want to go with 4 speakers for the mids/hi's.

Thanks in advance.

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anonymous Thu, 10/20/2005 - 09:24

I've had great luck with both Crown and Mackie power amps. I worked for a rental company that used Mackie (model 1400 and 2600 i think) exclusively. We did a lot of demanding shows and they came through with flying colors. They are very solid and have a built in crossover that comes in very handy for subs and such. I have an 800i that I use in a variety of applications.



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