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anybody running this combo?
Wavelab does not see the 828 in the audio card preferences.
I have no problem with VST 5.1 (ASIO) and the 828.

I'm running windows XP Pro, intel 1.6 P4.

Any suggestions?
I haven't heard back from MOTU tech yet so I thought I'd try here.

Mike Swanson


Opus2000 Thu, 02/21/2002 - 06:10

Hmm..cant say I've triedthat combo but have you gotten the latest patches from Steinberg for Wavelab? I believe it's 3.04g which is the latest patch for it.
I'm wondering if Wavelab 3.0 supports firewire ASIO devices? You know that Wavelab really doesnt support ASIO right? So if the 828 drivers arent API or WDM then you most likely will not see it as a card. Motu wont get back to you...they suck for PC support..anyone will tell ya that! That's why we're here!!
Wavelab 4.0 will support ASIO drivers..only a 99 dollar upgrade and let me tell you..from what I saw at the Namm looks amazing!!!


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