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Me and my band are recording our first demo in a somewhat ghetto fashion (compaired to what i've read on this forum were working with fairly unideal conditions). with our current setup were running all our mics into a Mackie PA (in place of a mixing board) and then into a Boss BR-900 digital recorder. The reason were running all these mics into the PA in the first place is because the recorder only has 2 XLR inputs, and I'm getting some annoying white noise, which through eliminating the PA and running an XLR into the recorder alone does not occur. That and when Micing the Bass speaker cab I cant get a decent volume without it cliping (the XLR on the bass head delivers the same problem also). All XLR cables are Monster brand, for Mics were using two sm-57's an sm-58 and Audix
dr-1's, 2's, 4's and two of there high-imped overheads. open to all ideas except shelling out big bucks for a mixing board. Any and all help greatly appreciated.


jg49 Fri, 12/04/2009 - 02:16

Well you don't actually say which mixer you are using is it something like this?

What method are you using to get the signal from the mackie to the Boss? Have you tried using RCA cables between the record out in the lower right corner of the Mackie into the RCA Line In on the Boss? The other assumption I make from this is you are live tracking (the full band is recording at the same time?) Typically a 57 or 58 would not be my first choice on bass cab, in fact you might want to read this thread
Another option instead of a Direct Injection box is something like the Sansamp which gives you many of the features of a bass amp without the recording hassles of trying to mic a cab in a poor environs. Also are you using the pad feature while micing the bass cab?
Are you ceretain your gain staging is correct in the mixer? The reason I ask is that if the individual channels of the mixer are not set high enough then when you boost the overall signal in the main stage of the amp you increase the signal/noise ratio and this might be the source of your white noise.
Mackie "Channels also feature level-set LEDs for easy visual input gain adjustment—just speak, sing, or yell into the mic and adjust the Trim control until the little green LED blinks."

anonymous Wed, 12/09/2009 - 14:27

first things first, that is exactly the PA were using and I've been using just a standard guitar cord from the "Left/Main" out in the back of the head. which now that you mention the RCAs seems incredibly foolish. also for the bass cab were using an Audix dr-4 which is (i think) desined for a better bass response. I really haven't been monitoring the LED signal reader thing, definatly could have been one of my problems. also I'm told that these PAs are not true bypass which could be a source of white noise, is that true?

jg49 Wed, 12/09/2009 - 16:27

You should NEVER hook up Main outputs from a powered mixer to anything other than speakers. These are fully amplified outputs designed to be under the load of speakers and way too "hot" for any recording device, I am suprised you were able to get any decent levels between these two mismatched devices, and this could have been a big source of noise. The RCA rec out (Tape out) jacks are designed to be at a good level for the Boss. Proper gain settings on the preamp inputs is absolutely essential. Audix Dr4 is an appropriate mic for a bass cab, but did you read the thread?
I'm not sure what you mean by not true bypass, in general Mackie preamps are well thought of. All of these small powered mixers are compromise devices but since you do not need the weakest part of the link which in my mind are the power amps I would think that the quality of the Mackie far exceeds the recording quality of the Boss, which is not a very good piece of gear IMO.


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