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Ack... Mic Lead Connectors!

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 04/13/2005 - 08:48

I just bought an XLR cable..
I ended up buying on that ends in a male connection
Are there any .. female to female adapters out there
sketchy diagram below.. the ]--[ is what i am after.. female at one end .. and female at the other.. so the male end plugs in and i can actually make use of it!
I don't want to have to send the cable back... surely there must be connectors.. but i cant find them anywhere.

anyone see any UK seller links please let me know




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Obviously if you order a ready made microphone cable it will be supplied with a male XLR on one end and a female XLR at the other....

I wonder what you are trying to interconnect when you need the same sex connector on each end?

Barrel type connectors (male to male, or female to female) - are widely available in the UK - from Canford Audio, RS Components, Farnell Components, CPC (who stock Neutrik and cheap Chinese versions) - and anywhere stocking pro audio equipment.

Why not replace the connector yourself?

Custom cables of any length, with any connectors can be obtained at very reasonable prices in the UK from:

Wed, 04/13/2005 - 14:42 Permalink