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I'm looking to upgrade my PC, partly because I can't seem to get rid of clicks/pops from my MOTU firewire... Tried just about everything.
And of course I'd like a faster machine for my Cubase use...

Anyone using a combination of the 828 and UAD-1, with no problems? and if so - which Mobo/CPU do you use?

I'm currently thinking of an Asus a8v Deluxe (AGP) + Athlon 64 single core, but any recommendations are very welcome...


anonymous Fri, 10/07/2005 - 16:53

hey i just saw this post, i know its a little old, however i can help.

i have the exact same setup 828mkII and UAD-1 i had probs to , with my mobo, i had a jetway board,

i switched to a ASUS p5p800 with an intel chipset, and things are beautifull. not a single, click or crack or shit....

hope this helps...
