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Audio Interface, periodic buzzing


I hope this is the right place to ask this question..

so I got a new Motu M2 Interface about a month ago. Since then there are periodic buzzing sounds coming from the Headphone Amps at "random" times. Sometimes it runs 3 hours without a Problem and sometimes the buzzing happens twice in 5 minutes. Turning the Interface off and on again "fixes" the buzzing temporarily.

Recording A String Quartet with Rode M5 in X/Y Coincident

This demonstration of the Rode M5 sounds pretty good.

I've own this RODE M5 kit and found them to be a great price but a bit metallic sounding. I tried them through a variety of tube pre's which helped soften the sound but still wasn't overly happy with the sound. They are a hell of a deal for the price though.

Sound isolation - dealing with HVAC ducts

OK, so I'm planning a room. It's a 15x30 basement room. Along the 30 foot length, there are is one HVAC duct on each side running along the ceiling with vents into the living room above. I have the ceiling pretty much figured out except how to deal with these ducts. I have other ventilation plans so I won't be using them.