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Using VST live without a laptop

Hi! Has anyone invented a pedalboard for guitar that runs VST plugins? I've got great tones for my recordings using VST amps like Amplitube, but can't reproduce them live on stage because I can't run a VST.

I saw the vPed. It looks great, but I can't get it here in the States.

Hope I'm in the right sub-forum!


One Mic (under $200) for female vocals, acoustic guitar and electric guitar?


Hi everyone, this is my first post here.

I'm looking to purchase a single mic to record female (alto) vocals, and acoustic and clean electric guitar. My guitar amp is a Princeton Reverb. I know that I should probably get two separate mics but I don't have the space or budget for that as I live in a very small room.

DAW recommendation for Mac OS

I'm looking to purchase my first DAW software and want to know of any recommendations for the Mac OS . I'm thinking of going with Reaper to start but am also thinking of years down the road. It seems like a farily substantial program that will help with recordings and edits for years. Can I expect Reaper to do what I want it to do for awhile?

Cubase 5 no audio menu nor presets

Hello everyone.

I have a very annoying problem in Cubase 5. When I connect my digital keyboard to my computer and I select a VST instrument, for example, RealStrat, I can play and record, but I can't load any presets to the VST instrument, as they can be distortion or effects. I also noticed that when I open the audio menu I can't select any option in it.

I use Windows 8.1.

No midi output to my rack unit - Logic 5.5

I'm trying to figure out what went wrong. I have a template that a I saved for a simple environment for my (external) t.c multi effects unit that use to let me do things like change program settings, bypass the unit during automation from within logic. It always worked, then I moved out of state and just hooked everything up again.

Apogee duet 2 hum / grounding issue?

Hi I have an Apogee Duet 2, using garageband on macbook. Whenever I run my guitar through XLR or instrument input I have a very loud hum that does not go away unless i put my hand on bare foot on the apogee. Its becoming annoying playing guitar with my foot on the thing any advice on how to sort this out?



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