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EDIT: RO Server is like greased lightning! Oh yeah !

I use the fastest consumer cable ISP in the USA (therefore the world). I use the best equipment. Most sites load instantaneously, including interactive BB systems using UBB and Fusetalk.

But RO has been dog slow from day one. Time for some serious server upgrades, IMO.

Anyone else?

EDIT: Its fixed, its fast and I like it! :D

Tommy P.

SONTEC eq's?

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for info on the available models of SONTEC equalizers and can't find anything! Not even their website!

Has anyone got a source for info or could provide me with pictures, pdf's, etc.

I'm about to buy a GML 8200, but want to make sure that I don't prefer a Sontec over it.

Many thanks in advance for any help.


DP freezes during quit (Rewire)

Sometimes after using DP with Reason slaved. After i quit Reason and OMS, etc - in the order I'm supposed to - and them quit DP, DP freezes. All the project windows close, the stop watch comes up, and it just keeps ticking. I have to force quit the program in order to stop it.

Is this a memory issue? I'm still not sure how much memory I should allocate to DP.