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How important is masteirng for the big pop acts?


I would like to get an idea on how much of a difference mastering makes for the big pop acts like B Spears etc.

Some people say that those mixes are already about 99% there and the mastering just adds a bit extra soemthing. Yet a few other people seem to think that mastering makes a huge difference at this stage.

Prosoniq Sonicworx Bundle...

I tried the Prosoniq Sonicworx Powerbundle out the other day and I was very impressed... But I don't hear anyone ever talking about it. The eq's especially were stunning to me, they were very transparent with a very distinctly smooth but flattering top end. It was a little strong but I could really put some sheen on a mix with a bit of high-endboost.


I would like to play my drums to a sequencer. I want to download songs from the internet and load them into the sequencer. I plan on buying something like a Proteus for a sound source. As far as the sequencer is concerned, do I need a computer and what software is good? Or is there a stand-alone unit that would work. I would prefer a stand-alone unit if it makes sense.

Juno 1o6

Hey. Can anyone tell me how to take the tibres I've created and assigned to banks in my Juno and address them to a specific MIDI channel for playback? So far I can only get everything out on channel 1 which as you prob. know can get very limited, very fast.
Cheers, Michael

Vocal plosives

When I record the Vocals my problem is that when the singer sings the p, k. or a loud "s" it sounds sometimes too hard and the "s" like "st".
I know that this is a compr. problem but what? I use the goldenmike preamp + groovetubes CL1s. Sometimes the TL Audio C1. I've heard that using 2 Compressors is a good idea.Can you give me some tips-tricks? Thank you

DAW: multitrack w/ foldbacks?

Greeetings! In a nut shell, I'm putting together a DAW (who isn't?) and my question concerns signal flow and system config. I want to be able to track up to 16 tracks live and avail of myself the ability to foldback monitor sends to the studio (ideally 6, 4 min.). I realize I will probably need two A/Ds to get the 16 tracks (or maybe an Apogee A/D 16 and an D/A 16?).