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U-87 or U-48 ?

Hi everybody
I'm working on a project,during the singer sound check
we found that the U-48 was more efficient than the U87 .The point is : Is there a non-valve mic that features that kind of tube-feeling ?or do we have to go tube,anyway ?
BTW, except for its lack of gain,we liked the 48 better,

Thanks in advance

depth in my mixes?

I'm getting to where I'm starting to get comfortable with how all my invidual sounds sound in my mix, but for some reason I cant get a lot of depth out of the individual instruments. Is it because I dont have any high-end mic preamp's (YET!) and I'm mixing all in the box within PTLE, or is there anything I can do to add depth.

Singing with balls

I read a post on R.A.P.
I'd like to see this topic and possible a singing forum grow on RO so I snipt his question and added my opinion.

Ok, so I realize that this isn't a vocalist newsgroup, however, there doesn't seem to be one besides those geared towards opera singers, so I'll ask here since someone out there might have had some experience with this.


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