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Need Fresh Ears - New links


Hi, i have recorded and mixed this rock band. Am not totally happy with the mix but need a new perspective. I have spent a lot of time on the mix and would really appreciate a fresh opinion.
Please click on the link and have a listen if you have the time. All feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks. :) Full Song - 2.9MB
Sample - 1.6MB

Mastering for Vinyl ..


Hi ...
My name is jeremy and i make electronic music . Always on vinyl . i've got about 6 records out now so everything is finally moving from being an experiment with the finished product to now knowing more or less which way to point the ship.

i had a few questions : i'm sure good mastering is good mastering but vinyl can be tricky and requires special care .

series of beginner questions


If there was a newbie mastering/mixing section, I would post these questions there...

I record and mix in Sonar and then edit my wave files in wavelab (for intro and outro and fades...)

I have been exporting just normal 16 bit 44.1 wav files from sonar. Would it be better to export higher quality files and knock them down to CD quality files in wavelab?

Ideas for Mastering Seminar. .


A good friend of mine - a DJ at a local radio station - does an annual Awards Show for the local independent music scene. The attendees will most likely be made up primarily of local band members and their mgmt types. This year he is putting together a seminar in addition to the awards show. He has asked me to do a "session" for the seminar on Mastering.