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Top 3 Recordings


'Tis the season for "Best Of" lists!

Let's try one here:
What are your favorite 3 recordings of all time (the ones that just make you melt with happiness). Combine artistic factors with recording quality if you like, but the recording must convey the emotion of the artistry well. What makes these recordings work for you? Individual tracks are OK.

EQ during mastering


I've tried EQ on about half of my masters. I always feel strange doing it but think I probably would benefit. Sure, I've eq'd the individual tracks and that's already in the remix; however, I need to learn more about making all the tunes sound like they belong together. I've heard rough rule of thumb ideas about making cuts from 315 Hz to 500 Hz (3 DB or so). Wonder about the Q though.

Question to guru Bill Roberts... phase shift, distortion


Hi friends!
I had previosly posted this issue here and at PSWbut up to now, no one had come with a very good explanation. You can talk about polos, zeroes, transfer function, delay group, phase distortion and so. I will do all that I can to understand properly this... here itgoes..