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Extra bits. .


If I digitally load 44/16 mat'l into the DAW at 44/24, am I gaining any resolution?, or is the DAW just recording extra 0's?

Do plugs profit from the extra bit room?

Also, if I have a 44/24 file in the DAW and digitally dump to DAT or CD-R, what happens to the other bits? Truncated?, or what?


Mastering Tools


I know absolutely nothing about mastering, except what I've learned by dropping by here. Could someone please take the time to tell me what a Mastering Engineer might have in his room that a recording studio would not have, and what a recording studio might have that a Mastering Engineer would not need? In other words, what's in your tool cabinet?

Dithering Shootout - UV22, POW-r, MegaBitMax, etc.


Hi there,

I'm not usually on this board, but thought I'd stop by to tell you about a little experiment I'm conductiong.

I've set up a blind test (as well as an open shootout) with samples of most of todays main dithering types (as well as the original and undithered files) and added a voting system.

ear issues


Thought I'd direct this question to the mastering community as you are likely to have the most experienced (and dare I say it...oldest!)ears.

I'm a 28-year old musician/engineer, but have already got a mild case of tinnitus, as well as a bit of what I believe is called hypersensitivity.