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Master CD


I use stand alone recorders for all my recordings,when everything is said and done and all mixing/editing/processing/comp is completed,I send the music to a pc via Cubase LE (POS)for the simple purpose of being able to record a master @24 bit,and converter it to what ever I need,but come to find out,it will no longer let me convert to MP3 without updateing to a newer version for more $$$.

Two Songs, Both Alike In Dignity


Hi, I am not a pro, so (kindly) chase me away if you need to.

I am using Waveburner 1.5 to prepare a master for a collection of 13 songs made with Logic Pro. I've managed to get a good overall level across the 13
songs using only gain. But I've got one outlier that I can't get as loud as the others due to peaks in the snare and tom parts.

Mastering Home Recordings


I'm currently at the final stages of mixing my bands EP which I've recorded entirely at home with my own gear. I would really like to get the tracks sounding good enough to be played on local radio, but i'm not sure whether it is worth the effort to get them mastered. Is it common to get a decent sounding home recording mastered, or would i be just wasting my money?

Reference audio CD's- Primer needed.


I seem to recall reading somewhere about reference CD's, perhaps containing certain program material, pure tones, acoustic phenomena, etc., presumably to allow for certain kinds of monitoring calibration or observation.

As is typical, I neglected to make a careful note at the time. I would be grateful if someone could provide some specific information in this regard.



Hey everybody I really need some advice on my song. I mixed it and Im not sure if I can do any better. Would a good mastering job bring this track to life a bit more? It is the highest quality mp3 I could post. I know listening to a mp3 is not the greatest but please take a listen. If you have some good head phones put them on. If you are in front of some monitors even better.


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