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Lacquer Master Cutting Questn about Minutes a Side & Vol



I been Pressing Vinyl for Over 20 years, mostly LPs 18 minutes and under per side. I have some new jobs coming up that require 22+ minutes per side, how much of a level loss am I going to see? Are there certain time parameters that you want to stay under to achieve certain levels?

How can I reach -9 'till -8 RMS "clean sound"


:? I usually work with my wavelab (with inserted plugins: 1.Waves PQ10, 2. Waves C1 SC at sometimes 119 Hz, for bass compression, 3. Lin MB for Mid and Upper freq Compression if necessary, 4. Lin Eq for tweaking before limiter, 5. Steinberg Loudness Maximizer, 6. Steinberg Resample for downrate to 44.1, and last, 7. L3 multimaximizer to compesate level and dithering process.

EQ: Manley or Avalon, et al?


It's great to find such an informative forum, and also people still willing to give advice. .(or maybe it's all advice to mislead the "masterworld sheep" who must be kept glued to their L2 Relgion of thinness, mud and mediocrity - all in order to save the world from the everyman producer). Sorry, excuse that. The question, or my predicament, is:

Mastering spoken word advice needed.


I mainly do spoken word recordings in my project studio. I have a good signal chain (R84 or NTK, UA6176 or STT-1, Apogee PSX-100, Lynx AES16, Sound Forge 7.0, Event PS8 monitors). I would appreciate any advice from those of you that master spoken word as to what steps you take and what common factors you consider most in mastering spoken word. Thank you.