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Chinese Mics

Hi All,

Im currently on the road in China and was looking to pick up a few Chinese Mics to add to my home studio..Any Brand Suggestions...Im still pretty new to this recording thing so Im looking for one good mic that will serve multiple purposes...any information.. would be greatly appreciated..



Close Micing Vocals - Difficult Voices

Like most engineers, I strive to eliminate as many variables in the recording process as possible. A large choral group I record often includes high volume gospel tunes. More often than not, there's one or more male or female soloists belting out the lyric over the top of the 120 voice group. Add to this a driving drum and bass line, piano, guitar, etc.. You get the picture.

Who Owns ADK mic

How many people actually own ADK mics ?

I noticed recently in another thread..about what mic's are in your closet, that not may people at all mentioned ADK mic's. I've heard nothing but good things said about them, on this forum in particular. And kind of expected to see more people mentioning that they owned them, so I'm just wondering how many do own and use them.