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SAMSON drum mics?


I am using a seven piece samson drum mic set.
-2x o/head condensers
-1x snare
-3x toms
1x kick.

Does anyone else use these mics, or had any experience with them?

If so any inherent issues with them?

Any tips for thier use?

How do they go with other instrument recording? If OK what combinations?

Guzzy :-?

Techniques for Micing Acoustic Guitar


Hey. So, I've spent the better part of an hour searching the forums, but I can't seem to find much on acoustic guitars. Am I just being slightly naive in assuming that there are really techniques for Micing acoustic guitars? Or, perhaps it's very simple and not especially noteworthy? Either way, I was just wondering what people thought.

Dynamics vs Volume: How does this clip sound?


I've been on a Radiohead, Hail to the Thief kick lately, and the mastering is very quiet, with excellent dynamics. So, I've been trying very hard to work with dynamics in my masters lately, while preserving loud volume. Here is the latest experiment at -9 dB RMS in the loud section. How dynamic or squished does this clip sound to everybody?

professional distorted guitar Micing advice needed!


The music I am recording is Heavy Metal. I have been preparing to record guitar tracks for my bands CD. I'm playing a Marshall stack through a AVT150 Head. The order or setup is:

Guitar-Pedals-StageworksEQ-MarshallHead-Alesis3630Compressor to SM57 "flat" towards the angle of the cone which goes into an ART DPS II Stereo Tube Preamp which than goes into a Yamaha AW1600.