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Looking For A Microphone Preamp?


Hey everyone. I am currently in a Radio Broadcasting program and I do a TONNE of voice over type work through my own computer here at home. I currently have an Audio-Technica AT3035 condensor microphone that I love, it seems to give me great sound and amazing clarity. There is a couple things though that I would still like to improve.

Micing Electric Guitar Amp!


So ive heard that IF you mic up the amp of your guitar that it will sound better than if you just plug into into you 1/4 input jack. I really dont get how that could make it sound better. If you just plug a guitar in normally wouldnt it be better becasue there is less un wanted noise getting in?

Any ways i want to try it and see if i can get a cool sound.

M-Audio MicroTrack 24/96 vs Edirol R-09


I need to buy a portable recorder (portable = "will fit in my hand"), and the best two that I've come up with so far are the MicroTrack 24/96 and the Edirol R-09. Functionally speaking, they look pretty similar. Does anyone have any experience with either one of these recorders? Or does anyone have an alternate suggestion?
