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compression mode when stereo Micing acoustic git?



Wondering if you guys have any preferences on this.
compression in dual mode or stereo [linked] mode.

when i recorded with xy pair, compressing slightly to tape [daw] in dual mode seemed ok dynamicaly.
I rerecorded using spaced pair as it sounded better frequency wise, but had strange image shifts.
Resorted to dual[linked] compression mode.



I'm about to buy one or two mic preamps to be used mainly for recording vocals, guitars, bass and percussion directly into my DAW. I need a really allround unit and I've tested quite a few. Those a like so far are Focusrite isa 430 and 220, Calrec RQP3200 and Avalon 747 (or is it 737...never mind).

condenser mics - battery powered?


Can anyone recommend some nice condenser mics that are self-powered (battery)? I would like to do some field recording (sampling, sound FX, as well as some vocals & acoustic guitar) and won't have access to phantom power with my setup. I'd like to have some great mics to make this sound as good as I can... suggestions?

Thanks much!