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Mic Placement - finding the sweet spot


Do you all listen to the source in isolation? With the tracks/band playing? I don't have a separate control room, and am trying to get better sounds at the mic. What sounds good to me sometimes ends up a bit soft/warm/undefined in the mix. I know experience will help here, but I'm wondering how you all know when you find the sweet spot for an instrument. Thanks for your replies.

Amp/ mic and basic help


I'm a musician who is putting together a home studio for demoing and possibly recording a 4 piece rock band. I've never used anything outside of a portable 4-track casette studio by myself, but have spent time in a pro studio recording an album. I got a very nice deal on a PC-based Pro Tools LE system with a digi 001 which I'll be setting up in an insulated, mid-sized basement space.

ADVICES for recording a HORNs BAND, mic selection...


Hi friends,
I will be soon recording a Horns Band, with 35/40 very young but good musicians on a budget project.
I have previuosly recorded nice small Camerata CDs and horns section inside my studio, but now it will be a complete different approach.
I have the following mics on here:
2 AT 4050
2 C3000B


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