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Clean electric guitar micing


I have a Korg D12, and can get some nice clean almost acoustic sounds when going direct, but would liek to be able to get the sound I hear when I play through my amp. I use a single 15" sealed cab for my guitar. I really like the sound I hear when seated not far from my amp. What type of mic would be best for placing where my ears would normally be? I currently only have an SM-57.

stage mic


I sing bass in a southern gospel quartet. I don't have a great voice, it doesn't have the edge or presence I wish it had. It seems to have to much at around 200 Hz with the mic I am using. I know you can't buy a voice but I think I could improve my sound with a different mic. I am currently using a Shure beta 87-A, and when I get up into it it seems to muddy.

Please help with microphone buzz/humming


Hi there,
My AKG C3000 microphone is picking up a lot of
noise in form of buzz/humming all of a sudden.
And when I touch the body of the microphone, the
noise volume increases. I even isolated my
microphone from my setup chain and connected it
directly to my mixer as a single source and it
didn't make any difference!