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Software for Batch Processing Audio Watermarks

I have a need to insert an audio watermark (basically an audio file repeating the name of the company) into thousands of audio files. I'm having a hard time finding software that can streamline this batch process. I basically need to merge a single audio file with thousands of others keeping in mind that the lengths of the audio files vary from 7 seconds to around 10 minutes.

Pro Tools 8 LE - Software question - New to recording

Ok I have read, read, and read finally went out and bought some used equipment Digidesign 002 and Pro Tools 8 le. What do I need to get the software to work? I believe it has been loaded on a previous PC, but the guy never uses it anymore and has since uninstalled it. Is there other items besides the Digidesign and software that I need with this?

My guitar tracks bleed into the Auxiliary (effect) track

Hi everyone, my guitar track bleeds into the Auxiliary (effect) track on Cubase.
I am using a Phonic Helix 18 Firewire into Cubase.
So essentially, track 1 and 2 (guitar tracks) bleed into my track 15 which happens to be the effect track which I am running vocals and reverb through.
I just want to monitor the guitars, not have them bleed into what I am recording.


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