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If MOST of it ain't boke should i fix it?

Or, should i have said TRY and fix it. lol. I recently acquired a Tascam M-30 mixer, 34b reel to reel, and Rs-20 spring reverb unit, for a storage space. I got the whole setup for $100 and bought it in the spot, after checking to see if they fired up. I was glad to see what the setup was going for on flea bay when i got home, in case i don't end up using it much.

Newbie Needs Advice, PLEASE!

Thanks for checkin this out! I need some advice on setting up my home audio workstation. My band consists of my cousin (piano) and myself (bass). We use a drum machine for our drummer. For the last 2 years, we have been recording on a Zoom MRS 802b 8 track recorder. Well, to make a long story short, the recorder died on us.

Fade editors in Cubase - Why is the very end so incorrect?

So I finally figured out how to create and use a fade, at least in one of the ways the Cubase does this. And I can indeed change the profile or shape. I am happy with the first 95% of their performance, however the very last 1/4 or so second just falls off a sonic cliff. It is inadequate to say the least.

Distorted Playback Ableton Live/Reactor 5

When recording a track and then continuing to play it back to listen to it, the sound of the output becomes terribly distorted and full of feedback although the levels are well below the overload threshold. Is there a setting that controls this?

The sound of the instrument will sound fine while actually recording the track, but when it is played back it is terribly messed up.