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Recorded guitars is Sonar with a Boss Gt10 and a Marshall

A lot of people say that the GT10 does not sound decent through a guitar amp. I thought that I would put a track together using the GT10 into a Marshall TSL and then Micing it and recording it.

The guitars used were a Strat in the intro and a Tokai Love Rock for the "harder" parts.

Help needed with Machie 32x8 8 bus mixing console

I have a Mackie 32x8 8 bus mixing console in my shop for repair.

On 3 channels the lower part (HI and LO EQ) of the 7 EQ pots aren't working at all. And on another channel any manipulation of both the EQ level pots results in a high volume fixed tone.

Anyone had the same issue before? And knows how to fix it?