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Will the damn thing blow up?

This is probably a reaaaaaalllly stupid question, but ya gotta start somewhere. I have a Sebatron Thorax and with a 0db and Ive noticed that often the VU meter dial slams hard into the red before I quickly tame it. I have read that the pad switch dictates "how hard you hit the tubes". Can someone explain what hitting the tubes hard does exactly?

exporting to mp3 from Cubase LE

i'm new to recording, and am using an ALESIS MultiMix 8 firewire mixer and a studioprojects B1 microphone with my laptop. the mixer came with Cubase LE trial software, and when i try to export files to mp3 from Cubase they sound washed out and are very soft, almost like an underwater effect. When i export to wav, they sound much better. any ideas as to why this is?