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just purchased firepod/cubase. i have four mics plugged to the firebox and i'm only able to record on one track. how do i asign a different track for each mic? also, i was recomended to purchase an extra preamp for better sound quaility. i was told the difference would be night and day. any suggestions? i have a couple of (c3000)AKG cond.

A/D question

just to wanted to make sure I've got the right idea...

I record on a power book using a MOTU 896. I'd really like to upgrade my converters, but as I'm on a laptop, need to run firewire. If I were to send my new A/D signal digitally to the Motu, then to my computer, I would bypass the Motu's A/D, correct?

Also, what would be a better connection, SPDIF or lightpipe? Thanks!

Mackie onyx

there was a study done by some recording engineers a while back to see what mic preamp was the best all around pre (i cant find the link to save my life). they tested api's, avalons and quite a few others. during mid experiment one of the engineers brought a Mackie onyx board just for sh*ts and giggles. they tried it and were amazed.

Shure SM82 - anyone know how to use this thing?

A local pawn shop had a couple of these mics and after doing a little research on them decided to pick one up for the relative bargain price they're selling them at. The mic is an odd one...a broadcast mic with built in amplifier and limiter that puts out a line level signal. It is set up to use a battery (that's no longer available) or phantom power.