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Current mastering formats and mastering software questions

So 16 bit DAT is all over. Recently I've been running my mixes onto 2 tracks on my RADAR and transfering them to computer to top and tail them before handing them to the client as 24 bit WAV files. Mastering engineers seem to be happy with that. Is that the best current format?

Adding subliminal audio messages or effects into music


Stairway To Heaven is the most famous song I know where "here's to my sweet satan"... " was added in reverse to the song. At the least, this has increased sales because people buy the record just to hear what all the weebee jeebee buzz is about.

Adding low end bass also has an effect. Increasing certain frequencies can stimulate us in different ways.

Second hand Sample Libraries

hi peeps, been a while but i am getting back into the world of DAW recording- but this time i am going for a different approach- soundtracks instead of just band tracks- more personal, and less headaches (hopefully).

yea anyways, i have seen some sample libraries for heiniously cheap prices (1/10th RRP!) - they seem too good a price not to buy. .

Help Please! - Gearing up to Record someones album.

Hey guys,
I appreciate any adivce people can offer me. I RARELY bother people on forums, because I know how newbees like to ask basic redundant questions that they could easily read anywhere .. I've read/practiced and learned what i could .. but time is no longer a luxury for me.

After opinions on TL Audio 5021?

Hi all,

I was planning on buying a brick for use with a large diaphram condenser (like NT2A or something sim.), but someone has suggested that it would be better to fork out extra $$$ now and get something like the TL Audio 5021.

I just wanted to know what people thought of the unit? Is there something else in the price range that would be better?

How many Ohms is too many?

Beginner question here...

I have a vintage altec mixer / preamp I'm trying to run straight into my mbox. It has links to wire it for 600ohms or 150ohms.

Which one would have the best recording quality, considering this is an all tube mixer? Obviously I'd be adjusting the input gain on the mbox accordingly... but in the end does it really make a difference?