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does uad-1 project pack sound comparrable to Wavesplugins?

hi, I'm looking to maybe purchase an uad-1 project pack. i dont want to upgrade my cpu and this seemed like a pretty good way to go. I'm going to have Cubase sx3 and i was wondering if it would be worth the xtra 400 big ones more to get the uad or just use the pluginsthat come with cubase. also how do those pluginssound compared to waves? thanks a ton!

Class A, Solid State, discrete...

I know the basic differences between different designs and what they do but I could use a quick technological explanation from someone with the cold facts. What makes a piece of gear Class A, what requirements does it have to live up to ? And Class AB ? Class B ? Is solid-state simply a design without tubes ? Discrete is point-to-point-wired with no IC's or?

problem in studio

I have a buzzing problem in my studio, and it only happens on bass guitars tone knobs. This has happened on many occasions now and I am getting tired of noise gating. When ever a bass player plays his bass with the tone knob turned to the more trebley side, I get a loud buzz through my DI channel and it goes through his amp too, and my mic channel picks up the buzz.

Samplitude 2496

Greetings and Salutations.
I have a question regarding Samplitude 2496 if anyone can help. I am experiencing quite a bit of crashing upon using dx plugins and/or closing the program. I'm getting an ACcESS VIOLATION window and sometimes of course it just freezes altogether and reboot etc.
Athlon 2500
60GB - 40+20slave
Windows XP

Pink Floyd at Sound Techniques 1967

I was watching the Peter Whitehead film of the Pink Floyd recording at Sound Techniques in Chelsea, curious to see what it revealed about drum microphone placement. It was interesting to see that the drums were miked with one kick drum mic and one overhead mic (which looked like it was sticking right into Nick Mason's face). Nothing on the snare, and only one of the double kicks was miked.


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