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Pro Tools Troubleshooting Help Needed: Odd errors

Hey fellow PT users. Ran into a most unsightly bug yesterday. Mid-session no less. Haven't heard back from Digi Tech Support yet, so perhaps some of you can help.

B/g info
Pro Tools LE/001
G4 800 MHz
512 RAM

1) DAE froze up, error -199. Pro Tools wouldn't start up anymore. Had to reinstall Pro Tools.

Ursa Major Digital Reverberator

Hi there,

first of all.. this is a great site.
I'm a live-sound engineer and do a lot of live recordings as well.

I recently got an old Reverb from a friend of mine for low cost.
An old Ursa Major, which sounds great to me. Very limited in setting up the parameters but up to 6.4 sec of Decay-time in a very good quality.


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