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Any dibs on the new Universal 2108?

I know that it is not quite ready for shipping, but I tried to find out more about this solid state Preamp at Universal's site, but to no avail.

Any one have details on this product and any idea what the street price will be?


Mad John
Zythum Studios

"The present day Composer refuses to die!"
Edgar Varese - 1921

Is the POD sucsessful for any of you Pros?

OK, I'll admit it, I have both and I have had them for a year now. My studio has been on and off due to construction changes, so my time with the PODs has been scattered.

At first I thought they were a God send, but my experience is that each time I aproch either, it is as if for the first time.

I wonder if the modeling I am hereing just sounds better when going to tape.

Waves L2 Ultramaximizer

I've posted this on the Digidesign forum and got back some surprising responses. There were a lot of people that not only thought it was a great mastering tool, but also the best front end to Pro Tools. A/D was co-developed with Hutch from Manley Labs. Has anyone A/B'd them to the RME, Lucid or Apogee lineup? Also, has anyone A/B'd it to the L2 plugin . I love that plugin by the way.